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Library Information

The Joan Weill Adirondack Library provides staff, collections, instruction, space and services that enhance teaching, learning, research and scholarship for the campus and broader community.

The Joan Weill Adirondack Library strives to serve as a partner in the learning process, and expand beyond our position as custodians of resources and into meaningful collaboration and conversation on campus.

  • Goal 1

    • The library provides an intellectual commons and online presence with resources of sufficient quality, diversity, and depth where patrons can access, discover, and interact with individuals, information resources, tools, and systems to support the teaching mission of the college.

  • Goal 2

    • The library partners in the educational mission of the institution to develop information literate learners who can discover, locate, access, evaluate and use information in order to become independent life-long learners.

  • Goal 3

    • The library facilitates and participates in relevant high impact educational practices consistent with the College’s strategic plan.

  • Goal 4

    • The library maintains access to college archives and contributed institutional history, unique college documents, and research.

  • Goal 5

    • The library provides support for the organization, access to and use of institutional data for analytics and decision making.